‘American Idol’ Drives Tune-In with a Helicopter Stunt and Golden Tickets Photo Gallery, Stunts, B-to-C Events Posted on April 19, 2018 by Kaylee Hultgren As “American Idol” moved into “Hollywood Week” on March 26—the portion of the show where a group of about 170 hopeful contestants is whittled down to just 50—the series’ new network ABC set… LOGIN Please contact [email protected] if you are unable to login. Forgot Password? Tags:Event Marketer Magazine, EventMarketer, Experiential Marketing Agency, Event Agencies, Event Marketing Magazine, Experiential Marketing Companies, Event Marketers, event marketing, ABC, stunt, American Idol, Event Marketer, Event Agency Related Articles Four Lessons on Festival Culture Guerrilla Stunt: Fruit of the Loom Unleashes Models Tweets Power AT&T’s Storefront Interactive Display CNN Promos “Heroes” Tribute With Hometown Rallies