
Going ‘Beyond the Room’ Through Community-centered Experience Design

How to use brand experiences and events to build thriving, persistent communities through a four-phased approach

Spiro_Advetorial_Page_1As audiences continue to crave the feelings of togetherness and connection that were paused during the pandemic, many event marketers are taking a broader look at their event portfolios to consider how their live experiences can become better catalysts for vibrant communities that stay connected, engaged, and—the gold standard—participating all year long.

Delivering a community-generating event requires a unique approach. The experts at Spiro, the global brand experience agency for the NEW NOW™, have developed a framework called CCXD™ (Community-Centered Experience Design) that positions events as spaces for communities to spark, thrive and grow.

Spiro’s point of view is that events, either in person or remote, are incredibly powerful opportunities to develop connections that last far beyond when the event ends. Traditional approaches focus on the event itself and not what happens when people go back to their day-to-day routines. The following questions are at the heart of Spiro’s new CCXD approach:

  • How will a brand be optimally positioned to connect with people?
  • How will a brand foster connections between people?
  • How can a brand deliver connections that continue after the experience ends, so that audiences remain engaged and participating?

We talked to Amy Blackman, Futurist and Innovation Strategist at Spiro, who broke down ways to apply the framework to your events, how you can be responsive to audience expectations and what dividends you—and your communities—will reap as a result. Ready to unleash the power of an evergreen community on your events? Read on.

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