Consumer Electronics Archives - Page 10 of 29 - Event Marketer

December 29, 2015

Sony Taps into Soccer Fever to Create Buzz for Camera

Some people see romance in the moon and stars of the night sky. Sony had a different vision: Twilight Football (or soccer, to us Americans), a series of seven matches that took place on Sept. 22, 2009 during the hour of twilight as it moved across the world in stunning locations that included Iguacu Falls,...

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December 29, 2015

Olympus Serves Up Grand Slam Experiences at U.S. Open

Reaching tennis fans is the name of the game at Olympus, a goal that it achieved February 2008 with a six-year sponsorship of the U.S. Open and U.S. Open Series, a multi-tournament competition comprised of 10 events that each summer attracts elite players and tennis aficionados between Grand Slam events. Olympus’ partnership with the series...

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December 23, 2015

Panasonic Piques Public’s Interest with Long Lines

There’s nothing like a long line to pique the public’s interest. And that’s exactly what Panasonic did—twice!—with its Panasonic Full HD 3D Theatre at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Outside the brand’s two-story, glass-front structure, fans waited in line to get their tickets and assigned showtimes for a seat in one of two 3D...

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December 23, 2015

Samsung Surprises Times Square and Reaches Billions More

Samsung unveiled its first-ever 3D LED TV to passersby in Times Square at a surprise concert event featuring the Black Eyed Peas on March 10, 2010. The brand skipped traditional pre-promotions and instead relied on consumers in and around Times Square to generate buzz for the “impromptu” event with their handhelds and cell phones. The...

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December 18, 2015

Cray’s Green Trade Show Exhibit Earns Accolades

Cray, a global leader in supercomputing, wanted not only to reinforce its position as an industry leader in the high performance computing category used by scientists, engineers in academia, government and others; it also wanted to highlight its eco-friendly products and sustainable business model at the SC09 conference. With the goal of integrating green materials...

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