Posts tagged with ‘braindate’

April 20, 2020

Three Virtual Collaboration Platforms to Use in the Era of Social Distancing

Collaboration is engrained in the event marketing discipline, and in the absence of events, some marketers are feeling disconnected from their teams, their clients, their customers and the industry as a whole. But here’s the good news: a number of virtual collaboration platforms that allow for idea-swapping and networking are available to keep event professionals...

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April 15, 2019

How Platforms Like Braindate Help B-to-B Attendees Build More Relevant Networks

A decade ago, swapping business cards or meeting up for a quick drink at happy hour was considered “networking” at b-to-b conferences. Today, those supplementary (and let’s face it, shallow) interactions have been replaced by purposeful exercises with an experiential component that allow for collaborative—and valuable—conversations. Leading the way in these more meaningful exchanges is...

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