Buzz/word-of-mouth programs Archives - Page 43 of 51 - Event Marketer

October 20, 2015

Ubisoft Comic-Con Experience Recreates French Revolution

History buffs are well aware of the chaos and brutality of the French Revolution. Now, thanks to the Assassin’s Creed Experience, attendees at Comic-Con got to participate in an obstacle course that replicated the look and feel of 18th century Paris and learn how to move like a true assassin, achieving the same sort of...

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October 20, 2015

Concert Activations Deliver Results for Schick

Schick’s Quattro for Women brand of razors integrated its sponsorship investment across multiple online and offline channels around its tie to Katy Perry’s California Dream Tour. The initiative targeted women ages 18 to 34 and challenged them to skip a day or two of shaving—only after using the Schick razor, of course. Schick started hyping...

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October 20, 2015

Lucky Charms Unlocks a New Target at WorldPride Event

As a sweetened cereal in a declining category, General Mills’ Lucky Charms is an off-trend breakfast option, but its colorful activation at WorldPride in Toronto, the largest human rights gathering in the world, was spot on. With scores of Millennials of both LGBT and non-LGBT orientation in attendance, the brand engaged the target audience with...

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October 20, 2015

Warner Bros. Takes Comic-Con Fans ‘Into the Storm’

The Warner Bros. film “Into the Storm” faced a veritable tornado of challenges, including a challenging subject matter and lack of built-in fan base. To raise awareness for the movie and get people excited for a movie about destructive weather, the studio set out to deliver an emotional experience that would result in social sharing...

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October 20, 2015

Bacardi Private Island Extravaganza Targets Influencers

It was a bold idea from a bold brand. Bacardi’s brand values have always been about freedom, passion and irrepressibility, and throughout its history has enjoyed a close affiliation with music. The Bacardi Triangle promotion, a three-day extravaganza that took place over Halloween weekend at a private island in the Caribbean, tapped into all three...

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