B-to-B Events

January 28, 2010

Companies are not listening to their customers

A RECENT STUDY by the CMO Council found that when it comes to listening to their customers most companies are turning a deaf ear. That’s surprising especially in this environment where feedback is more critical than ever in the quest to retain customers and attract new ones.

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January 28, 2010

Bacardi gets positive WOM to flow

LIKE THE PERFECT STORM positive word of mouth starts small and then builds momentum until it eventually takes on a life of its own. But how do you catch the wave harness its energy and use it to keep the flow of positive buzz moving in the right direction? Donna Meier senior partner at St....

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January 28, 2010

Branded Acts of Kindness

THE ECONOMY MAY BE IN THE CRAPPER but many brands have learned that by being nice they can actually come out smelling pretty darn good. Whether that entails a free breakfast or a cab ride free resume printing or a PC tune-up marketers are betting that a little kindness can go a long way with...

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January 28, 2010

How Brands are Turning to Events to Engage Baby Boomers

Iconic rocker Mick Jagger is one. So are big screen hunks like Viggo Mortensen and Richard Gere. And sex symbols like Jamie Lee Curtis, Christie Brinkley, Kerry Smith and Madonna. Yep the over-50 set doesn’t look like it used to Mavis. Baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) are not only looking younger and living...

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January 28, 2010

Media training is a key skill for brand marketers

Ross Burton credits media training with giving him confidence whether he’s working behind the scenes at awards shows like the Academy Awards hosting a consumer make-up event or fielding a reporter’s questions. And although he comes across as self-assured and comfortable with the press Burton says that wasn’t always the case.

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