Posts tagged with ‘cannabis events’

April 21, 2020

How Brands Turned to Digital to Mark 420

The annual Mile High 420 Festival is a no-go, festival organizers canceled the 420 Hippie Hill event and San Francisco’s mayor warned consumers that gathering at Golden Gate Park for the annual 420 smoke-out could result in arrests. So what’s a cannabis enthusiast to do to celebrate the (unofficial) high holiday known as 420 (4:20)...

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September 9, 2019

Higher Education: Inside the Weedmaps Museum of Weed

The legalization of cannabis consumption has made the plant a hot topic of late, but human interaction with marijuana dates back to ancient civilization. From binding samurai armor together to easing the effects of chemotherapy, cannabis has an extensive history that encompasses a range of uses, cultures and time periods. To illustrate this evolution while...

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