Brand Agency – How To Build Your Brand

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A good brand agency will work many angles to get the most exposure for your brand.

In our ever-growing virtual world, a great brand agency knows experiential marketing is an excellent tool in the marketing box that can be used to reach your consumers – In Real Life.

What is experiential marketing?

Experiential marketing is a type of advertising that allows consumers to experience a brand or product.

Why is experiential marketing so effective?

When consumers experience something first hand, in reality, this allows them to form a memorable connection to a brand.

During an experiential event what are the key components that dictate a consumer’s experience with my brand?

-Event footprint design
-Visual brand elements – signage, banners, table covers, take-aways etc.
-Activity – the actual experience. Games, registration area, photo activation, premium distribution etc.
-Social media assimilation
-Keypoint and verbal “pitch”
– MOST IMPORTANTLY: Quality brand ambassadors

Why are quality brand ambassadors so important?

Consumers largely buy into a brand based on their emotional connection to the experience or advertisement being presented to them.

Brand ambassadors at an experiential event provide a direct person-to-person contact with your consumers.

Easily the most important part of leaving a distinct brand imprint on a consumer within the event space is the interaction between consumer and brand ambassador. A brand ambassador’s execution of the brand’s message can make or break a consumer’s connection to your brand.

At ATN Promo Model And Staffing we understand the importance of quality brand ambassadors and the consumer’s experience with your brand.
Not only are we consistently recruiting quality staff members to our team, we have an extensive vetting process in place to ensure the highest quality brand ambassador candidates are available to you. In fact, all ATN Promo brand ambassadors are “coded” (in our database) based upon their experience, ATN vetting, and client feedback. This helps us target and present to you the best brand ambassadors in the biz.

If interested in learning more about Brand Agency partnerships with ATN Promo please contact us here.

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