
July 16, 2018

And We’re Live: Dell’s Tips for Creating Live Event Broadcasts That Drive Engagement

Four tips for optimizing viewership and engagement—from the show floor   Content continues to be king in events, with brands investing so heavily in at-event content strategies that they’re building dedicated studios within event footprints and exhibit spaces, pushing out content on-demand, publishing broadcast schedules, recruiting speakers and powering the programs with on-site video production...

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July 11, 2018

Fore! Google Gets Experiential With a Product-Inspired Mini Golf Course

The Google Home Mini voice assistant was designed to simplify daily tasks for consumers, so to illustrate the device’s use cases and cement its position as a cornerstone of Google’s smart home ecosystem, the brand created mini golf course pop-ups in four cities across the U.S. Whereas last year the brand focused on driving awareness...

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July 10, 2018

A Playful ‘Life Coach’ Pop-up Showcases the Luxury Brand’s Mystical Side

Coach’s refined aesthetic and rich New York City heritage came to life June 12-17 with a playful “Life Coach” pop-up experience in Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood. Created in collaboration with set designer Simon Costin, the experience took attendees on a journey through four spaces: a David Lynch-esque check-in area with staticky TV screens and ringing phones;...

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July 6, 2018

Why the Industry is Embracing the Tiny House Trend

Five brand activations that leveraged the ‘less is more’ mentality  Tiny houses are a big thing right now—the object of TV shows, lifestyle websites and magazine photo spreads. Their dimensions, ranging anywhere from 100- to less than 500-square-feet, have made them a popular choice among millennials, baby boomers or anyone looking to downsize and simplify....

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July 5, 2018

Seven Strategies Behind Uber Elevate’s Vision to Make Flying Cars a Reality

The Uber Elevate Summit was borne of one simple, zany question, according to Uber head of product, aviation Nikhil Goel: “Why can’t we fly around the city?” At the time the idea was percolating, back in October 2016, innovations in ridesharing were lowering the cost of transportation, which in turn opened the market up to...

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