6 Tips For Hiring The Best Trade Show Staff

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Choosing the right trade show staff can be challenging. How do you find the person who will best represent your brand?

Here are six tips from Productions Plus for finding and hiring the right talent for your next trade show.

1. Look for experienced talent

You will want to choose talent who are experienced specifically in working trade shows. Just because a model is attractive and good at posing, doesn’t mean she has the experience or communication skills needed to convey your brand’s message. Review the models bio and resume before making your choice. The more experience they have related to trade shows, the more likely it is that they will meet your expectations at show time

2. Choose engaging and inviting talent

Reading from a script is one thing, but being able to engage with an audience is most important during a trade show. When consumers attend trade shows, they are looking to learn about the brands and products exhibiting. Engaging talent naturally draws in visitors by getting the conversation started in an inviting way.

3. Select talent who are interested in your product

It’s much easier to work with someone who is enthusiastic and genuine, than someone who just shows up to get a paycheck. Hire someone who has an authentic interest in your industry, products and services. Their knowledge and excitement will be contagious.

4. Avoid overstaffing

Consumers today want more personal attention. More employees may mean an overcrowded booth with less one-on-one attention to the consumer. Make sure you have the right number of employees running your booth to keep the space appealing to visitors.  

5. Use talent who are educated and trainable

Trade show models should not only look the part, but they should also be knowledgeable about the brand they’re representing. Providing a script is a good idea, but also make sure the model has a strong understanding of the brand aside from what’s scripted. Today’s models and product specialists should attend classes to learn the features and benefits of the products they represent before hitting the trade show floor. A trade show model is part of your company for the duration of the show. Arming them with the right training will lead to better overall results for you.

6. Work with a national staffing agency

The next time you are looking to hire experienced trade show models for your event, use a national staffing agency. Productions Plus – The Talent Shop has a large database of talented models and presenters all across the United States and Canada. With a reach as large as ours, no matter where you need talent, or how specific your talent requirements are, we deliver.

To learn more about our unique services contact Productions Plus.

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