Nightlife marketing Archives - Page 11 of 22 - Event Marketer

December 2, 2015

GM Spruces up Dealers Meeting with Theme Nights

What do you do at an event when you don’t have a lot of cash? “You get clever,” says Extraordinary Events president Andrea Michaels. And that’s just what the agency did for a Chevrolet dealer meeting last spring in Scottsdale, AZ. Three nights of events took dealers from past to present, as Chevy charged EE...

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December 2, 2015

Siebel Turns Conference Guests into Hollywood Stars

Extraordinary Events had already filed for the permits to take over Hollywood Boulevard by the time Harrison Ford showed up. Turns out Ford’s crew at Sony Films were hoping to shoot a scene for Hollywood Homicide that night, but much to their chagrin the block was already spoken for. By Siebel. In a bleak and...

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December 2, 2015

Snapple Draws Young Demo with Edgy Music Sponsorship

Once its sponsorship of last summer’s Area 2 music festival was inked, Snapple got to work on an activation strategy to take its three new Elements SKUs as close to the tattooed, pierced target as possible. Relevancy was a priority. So Snapple decided early on not to sample in traditional manners or present the brand...

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December 2, 2015

Kodak Concerts Make Black and White Film Cool Again

To herald the reintroduction of black and white film to a generation of consumers becoming very comfy in the Digital Age, Kodak inked a sponsorship of the House of Blues’ 10th anniversary celebration as an awareness platform. The idea was that black and white film was becoming fashionable again. The challenge was establishing a cool...

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December 2, 2015

Miller Offers Exclusive Concerts Via the Rellim Tour

Miller took a gamble and won when it spelled its name backwards for a music campaign that was intimate, exclusive and memorable. “From a music-strategy standpoint, we started to recognize that the young adult doesn’t necessarily get impacted by us sponsoring a huge traveling circus,” says Peter Laatz, Miller’s manager of entertainment marketing. “These objectives...

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