Proprietary Event Archives - Page 10 of 28 - Event Marketer

December 29, 2016

IBM Reveals New Tech With a 3D Stage Environment

How do you transform big data and analytics into a stage-worth production sequence? IBM Insight in Las Vegas, a large tech conference that reveals each year the newest innovation and industry trends in analytics, cloud, mobile and Internet of Things, transformed the stage for its opening performance of the general session on day one into...

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December 29, 2016

Cisco’s Special Effects Prompt Audience Participation

With the theme Full Speed, the general session for Cisco’s GSX FY17 conference for 18,000 members of the company’s sales force needed to “break barriers” and highlight the forward momentum envisioned for the company. Insane A/V elements, coupled with special effects that allowed the audience to become part of the show, broke production barriers, too....

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December 29, 2016

AOL Immerses Future Front Attendees in a Media Tunnel

AOL’s Future Front commanded attention on the first day of Advertising Week by going big—really big. To highlight its acquisition by Verizon while illustrating how the brand is uniquely positioned to mobilize data and content for the future, AOL supersized its messaging by giving attendees tunnel vision. The brand welcomed attendees to the Future Front...

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December 29, 2016

IBM Introduces the Cognitive Era Via Personalization

IBM is a company that knows how to make an entrance. The tech giant proved as much at its premiere cloud and mobile conference, InterConnect, with a larger-than-life entryway that fully immersed 23,000 attendees in the narrative of its cognitive business platform. The experience was designed to attract attendees to the conference’s Solution EXPO, and...

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December 28, 2016

Google I/O Conference Keeps Attendees ‘In Wonder’

To the casual observer, Google’s I/O developer conference might have looked more like Burning Man than a business event. And that was by design. In an effort to invigorate the eight-year-old conference and engage the developer community in a less traditional but more meaningful way, Google moved I/O from the confines of the Moscone Center...

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