Use College Marketing to Reach College Students Where they Play

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College marketing gives brands the opportunity to reach college students where they study, live, work, and play. Promote your brand at high-traffic events where college students go for entertainment, such as sporting events, fraternity and sorority gatherings, and music festivals.

Use College Marketing to Reach College Students Where they Play

advertise to students at football games Use College Marketing to Reach College Students Where they Play

  1. Reach College Students at Sporting Events

Everyone knows that college sports play a prominent role in college students’ lives. In fact, some people decide where to go to college based on the school’s sports team. A student at Ohio State University says in the New York Times article, How Big-Time Sports Ate College Life, “It’s not something I usually admit to, that I applied to Ohio State 60 percent for the sports. But the more I do tell that to people, they’ll say it’s a big reason why they came, too.” This kind of loyalty and fandom only increases when they become students and are officially a part of the school community.

One great way for brands to connect with the college crowd is by advertising to students at football games or other large-scale sporting events. It’s a great way to get your promotional material into the hands of a lot of students. Utilize college street teams to engage students at sporting events. They will connect with their peers and spread the word about your company in a fun, spirited way.

Fraternity and Sorority Gatherings Reach Key Influencers at Fraternity and Sorority Gatherings

  1. Reach Key Influencers at Fraternity and Sorority Gatherings

A great place to reach key influencers in the college community is at fraternity and sorority gatherings. NAM Youth Marketing gives brands access to fraternity and sorority groups that are willing to partner with brands to promote new products, host marketing events, and raise awareness. Fraternity and sororities make great brand advocates and will utilize their social connections to drive consumer-brand relationships.

Reach Millennials at Music Festivals Youth Marketing Music Festivals

  1. Reach Millennials at Music Festivals

Music festivals are another large-scale event that millennial marketers should pay attention to, as they’re soaring in popularity and attract young people from across the country. If you’re a fashion and beauty company, up-and-coming musician, or any other type of brand trying to reach a young, hip audience, advertising at music festivals is the way to go. Consider these 7 music festivals when planning a youth marketing campaign.

If you’re looking for fun ways to use college marketing to reach students where they play, contact NAM Youth Marketing. We work with our clients to develop custom college marketing campaigns using experiential marketing techniques.

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